Monday, November 13, 2006

Myths About Acne Acne-Inc

7 Acne Myths Exposed.

People are always willing to give you advice regarding your acne. The
problem is that most of the advice they give are myths that they've picked
up over the years.

However, skin experts are actually dismissing those as nothing but myths.
The best way to cope with your acne problem is to educate yourself and it is
with this purpose that we decided to list here the common acne myths that
people often encounter.

1.You can outgrow your acne. This might be true in some cases but at least
25% of teenagers who have acne carry it into their adult lives. And more and
more woman in their 20's to late 40's are reporting having acne for the
first time. It is much more sensible to treat your acne immediately to avoid
emotional stress and permanent scarring.

2.Bad eating habits causes pimples. The common myth is that chocolate,
caffeine or oily foods will lead to or worsen an acne condition. In a large
clinical research study no links were established between acne and food.
However, some people feel that certain food can cause an acne outbreak. If
this is your case try avoiding these foods for 2 to 4 weeks and monitor your
acne. If your acne improves, do a test and try eating these foods to see if
it will indeed cause an outbreak.

3.The sun will clear up acne. While tanning will dry up existing acne and
help cover blemishes. It does not prevent acne from resurfacing. The dry
skin will make the oil glands produce more oils and block your pores
creating pimples and blackheads. Not to mention the risk of skin cancer and
premature wrinkles.

4.Sex causes acne. No, the hormonal changes your body goes thru during
puberty that lead to the maturation of your sexual features may cause acne.
Sexual activity does not cause acne.

5.Drinking water will flush out acne. While drinking 6 to 8 glasses of water
a day is recommended for a healthy body. Water alone will not cure acne. It
will however, keep your skin healthy which will help in the fight against

6.Stressed out = breakouts. Very high levels of stress may produces hormones
that can cause acne. But normal levels of stress we encounter everyday will
not produce an outbreak.

7.Poor hygiene causes acne. People believe that acne is caused by
uncleanliness and they tend to over-wash or scrub their face. Over-washing
and scrubbing too aggressively can damage the skin by stripping it of
natural lipides. The oil gland will then produce more oils causing acne
outbreaks. Using alcohol to wash your face will produce the same results.
Washing 2 times daily with a salicylic acid(2%) based face wash will help
treat your acne.

So the next time someone tells you one of those things, gracefully thank
them for the advice and correct them and share what you know. Remember,
knowledge is power.

About The Author: Now that you've cleared up some acne myths.
Are you ready to clear up your skin. Click Here for several proven cures
that really work and learn how to clear up your skin.

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