Sunday, December 10, 2006

Tips To Remove Acnes

How do you tend to care for your skin when acne suddenly spreads up? Many
people use skin care methods that actually sometimes endanger more than
bring benefits. Are you one of them? See what are best acne skin care
methods to prevent acne breakouts.

1. Clean your skin with gentle cleansers

mild cleansing agent on acne affectedskin is really working very well .
Gently rub it in twice a day. . You can use an astringent cleanser for
washing your face. Best cleansers contain benzoyl peroxide, salicylic acid,
licochalone, chamomile, aloe vera, feverfew, and niacinamide. Avoid acne
cleanser with high alcohol content because they will dry your skin.

2. Use exfoliating acne skin care products

Exfoliating means throwing away dead skin cells from the surface of your
skin. Not only do these cells make the skin look dull, they are also a good
food for bacteria. At home you can use mild exfoliating scrubs about once a
week. For a more dramatic effect ask a dermatologist if dermabrasion or a
chemical peel can help you to get rid of acne.

3. Simplest rule of acne skin care - no squeezing and pinching

never tease your skin. It might be very tempting to get away of these
terrible whiteheads by squeezing them, but they will only emerge up again
and look even more awful then before and leave some scars on the skin

4. Select make-up carefully

Make-up can help to conceal acne and acne scars, but you have to be careful
in applying it. Only select water based (not oil
based) concealers and foundations. please,avoid cheap cosmetic, because it
can damage your skin farther. If you use blush, go for a powder blush
instead of a stick blush, it is less likely to clog your pores.

dont forget to stay away your make up as soon as you get home.
Even the best cosmetic is not really good for acne affected skin because it
can clog your pores causing more acne breakouts.

5. Keep dirty hands off your face

When working in the garden or doing any other dirty work, or even when you
are out of home, walking or going anywhere, never touch your face. It can
transfer bacteria to your skin and cause an acne breakout.

Stick to these simple rules of best acne skin care,combine it with a good
acne treatment or medication they will help you to clean your face of acne
and bring back your beautiful skin.

About The Author: Visit our site at to read our unbiased acne product review
and for more acne treatment tips.

Tips To Send "away Acne"

Basically acne is inflamation of the skin caused by a sebaceous gland
located at the base of a hair follicle becoming clogged with natural oils
causing a bacterial buidup. This condition may be worse in adolescence but
can happen at any age.

Elevated, inflamed, reddened areas of the skin is one of the symptoms of an
acne sore or pimple as they are called.
Sometimes there are blackheads that become inflamed suggesting the need for
better facial cleansing. Whiteheads on the acne sore is caused by a B1
vitamin deficiency or poor vitamin absorption. To increase the absortion of
vitamins and minerals, a supplement of acidophilus is recommended.

The causes of acne can be many, including: food allergies, soaps, makeup,
soda pop, fried foods, dairy products,chocolate, and even facial cleansers.

So, what can a person do to send away acne and have a more pleasant, smooth
skin? One of the best things to do is to be sure to get your daily
vitamin/mineral requirements; especially the B complex vitamins and vitamin
A/beta-carotene. Also 80 mg of zinc, and an omega-3 fatty acid supplement.
What a person should consider is to take a good vitamin/mineral supplement
with additional supplements of the above vitamins.

Diet is also very important to sending away acne. Several servings daily of
fresh, raw vegetables and fruit will be helpful. Reduce your consumption of
saturated fats and vegetable fats. Reduce consumption of refined sugar,
alcohol, and foods/drinks containing caffiene. Increase the amount of fiber
in your diet as well. If you like vegetable juices then drinking carrot
juice with celery and beet juices is also good for acne.

Facial cleansing is also beneficial to skin care. Using a mild soap and
water wash the face several times a day. Rinse the face with warm water (not
hot) and pat dry. Don't use makeup that has any kind of oil as an
ingredient; use water-based makeup. Soaps that are recommended has the herb
calendula as an ingredient, it helps clean the skin without irritation.

Some herbal remedies for acne are: aloe vera gel taken internally in a
capsule and externally on the skin, a cup of burdock tea-three or four times
daily, and Oregon grape powder
0.5-1 gram daily.

None of these remedies should be considered as medical advice, all of these
suggestions have been gathered from research and is accurate as far as the
author can tell. Hopefully one or more of these suggestions will help you in
your quest for relief of acne and it's symptoms. I had terrible acne as an
adolescent and wish I had at that time known about how to send away acne
with some of these remedies.

About The Author: William is the webmaster of several websites and blogs. If
you have found this article useful you can learn how to get ride of acne in
as little as 3 days here:

Finding A Dermatologist That Cares

Finding a good dermatologist that cares about you and your acne problem can
be tough sometimes. When you have blemishes, your self-esteem may be at its
lowest point, you may feel self-conscious about the way you look, and you
may even not want to leave the house.

Strangely enough, when you find yourself suffering from acne, reaching out
to a stranger may be one of the best things you can do for yourself. That
stranger is a dermatologist, a trained skin specialist who has probably seen
it all, and who can give you valuable advice about your skin, and prescribe
an appropriate treatment.

If you are thinking about visiting a skin physician for the first time, you
are probably feeling apprehensive. This is absolutely normal. After all, you
(or your health insurance) are going to pay a stranger to pick and prod at
your face. You will be showing off a part of your body that you probably
spend most of the time trying to hide. But the effort and perhaps slight
embarrassment is well worth the reward - a new chance at radiant,
healthy-looking skin.

When seeking out a specialist, make a list of what you are looking for. What
do you like about your family physician? Are you most concerned about
someone who is sensitive to your concerns and has good chair-side manner?
Are you more worried about having someone with flexible hours who can
accommodate your hectic schedule? For some, the most important thing is
having a very knowledgeable doctor with reputation and extensive training.
Still others seek out dermatologists because they specialize in certain skin

Whatever your specific needs and interests, a good doctor will treat all his
or her patients with respect, patience, sensitivity, and courtesy.

Well-trained professionals will be able to answer all your questions and
provide you with several treatment options.
Before your first visit, take the time to prepare a list of questions. You
should find someone you feel comfortable talking to, and be able to carry
out an open dialogue with. If you have any questions about your medication,
treatment options, or anything else, don't hesitate to ask. Most like their
patients to be prepared and to demonstrate a vested interest in their
treatment plan.

If you find your dermatologist difficult to talk to, consider finding a new
doctor. You should never feel rushed, ignored, or unable to ask questions.
One thing most patients avoid doing is revealing their anxiety about
visiting a dermatologist. It can actually be to your benefit to let your
doctor know about your nerves. This can help them become more sensitive to
your concerns, and will probably result in a better visit for both of you.

If you have decided to take that important step of finding a good acne skin
care expert, here are a few tips for finding the best one in your area. If
the cost of treatment is paramount to you, consult your health insurance to
see if they cover dermatology, and whether you are restricted to a specific
network of physicians and try to make an appointment as early as possible -
waiting lists are common.

What are the qualifications of a well-trained dermatologist?
They must be a medical doctor that is certified by the American Academy of
Dermatology (AAD) and trained in dermatology. Some will have graduated from
an accredited medical school, and have completed between three to five years
of specialized training.
This certification requires that they pass oral examinations and a
comprehensive written exam.

Other things to look for - membership in the American Academy of
Dermatology. Members receive mandatory continuing education classes, they
are peer reviewed, and must remain in continual good standing to remain

You should also try to find a skin doctor with experience. The one with many
years experience is more apt to make an accurate diagnosis and find
appropriate treatment. If you are seeking help for a somewhat rare skin
disorder, you will want to find an authority with extensive research and
training experience with that disorder.

Also, ask your family doctor or friends for their opinion. Not that it
always works, but, you just might find a great Dermatologist that way.

About The Author: Ken Black is the owner of, a site that specializes in skin care.

3-Step Acne Treatments Equal One Great Idea

When it comes to over-the-counter acne treatments, there are three names
that almost every acne sufferer has heard of. These include ProActiv,
Clearpores, and DermaCleanse, none of which require a doctor's prescription
and are priced between $50-$100. Each of these acne treatments consist of a
3-step program designed to get your skin back on track to a healthier

You have probably already seen the ProActiv commercial advertisements, the
celebrity endorsements and even regular appearances on televised shopping
networks. With testimonials from famous faces and a rigorous marketing
campaign, ProActiv has become one of the most popular acne treatments on the
market. Created by a pair of Stanford dermatologists, ProActiv features the
use of a renewing cleanser in step one, a revitalizing toner for step two
and a repairing lotion concludes the treatment in step three.

Another popular 3-step acne treatment program is known as Clearpores. Users
will begin with a deep cleansing wash that unclogs pores and fights all
acne-producing bacteria. Step 2 involves a natural supplement that heals the
skin from the inside, where acne flourishes. The final step includes a
facial cream to keep your skin blemish free.

DermaCleanse is yet another 3-step product that begins with a cleanser,
followed by an acne gel to aid in healing current acne and concludes with an
herbal supplement that works to stabilize hormonal imbalances and combat
troublesome skin.
DermaCleanse is a strong product that offers users a number of benefits and
works hard to deliver results to acne sufferers.

Popular acne treatments, such as those mentioned here, are desirable for a
reason. They each offer multiple steps to restoring your skin's health and
realistic expectations for the user. None of these companies promise results
overnight and, at the same time, none will break your budget. When it comes
to your skin and the beauty that it is meant to have, you will find that
some over-the-counter products can be just as beneficial as prescription
acne treatments. To their advantage, these acne treatments are generally far
more affordable than prescription-only products. What does this mean to you?
When your skin has improved and you are ready to face the world with
confidence, you can take the money that you saved in buying over-the-counter
acne treatments and stop by the mall for a new outfit to help celebrate your
new look. When your skin looks better, you will feel better both inside and

For more information on top performing acne treatments, including
descriptions and comparative rankings, you can visit the Acne Treatment
section of at

The information contained in this article is designed to be used for
reference purposes only. It should not be used in place of professional
medical advice or recommendations relating to the use of acne products
and/or acne treatments. If you believe that you have a problem with acne
that requires medical attention, consult a physician or dermatologist for a
professional evaluation and recommended treatment program.

About The Author: Brian Dolezal is a contributing editor for is a leading
provider of independent reviews and rankings for hundreds of consumer
products. Find out how top acne treatments compare at

Symptoms And Treatment For Scalp Acne

Just about everyone knows what acne is and that it commonly breaks out on
the face, chest, arms and on the back. Acne also appears on other parts of
the body as well, but unless you're someone with acne in one of these
'other' areas, you may not have realized this.

If you think about what acne is - a skin condition - it makes sense then
that acne can appear almost anywhere on the body.
One area in particular that is not often associated with acne is the scalp.

Scalp acne, the mildest form of which is also known as scalp folliculitis,
probably occurs more frequently than most people realize. This form of acne
is most often triggered during times of high stress. This irritating scalp
condition usually develops whenever the scalp becomes oilier than usual,
such as when the hair isn't washed frequently or when hair care products
that contain a considerable amount of oil are used.

Scalp acne is very itchy and that makes it difficult for those who have it
to leave it alone. In its mildest form, the pustules are small, crusty, and
they're sore. They appear mainly on the upper forehead at the hairline. A
person can have just a few pustules or there can be many.

A more severe form of scalp acne called acne necrotica miliaris is
characterized by inflamed larger papules with black-colored crusts. This
form of acne can leave behind scars that resemble those resulting from
Chicken Pox. There is an even more severe form of scalp acne that primarily
affects adult African-American men, but can actually affect anybody,
regardless of race or sex. This extremely rare condition is a combination of
large cysts and smaller pustules and papules that grow to be very large.

Treatment for Scalp Acne

The mild form of scalp acne can be treated the way most other acne is
treated. Keep the affected area clean by using a product that contains
salicylic acid. Remember though that these products can cause excessive
dryness so use only on affected areas. For better control, apply using a
cotton ball.

Since oily hair is a contributing factor to scalp acne, using shampoo that
is formulated for oily hair and scalp is another good option. Hair care
products designed especially to treat seborrhea have also been used
successfully. And since many people use more than just shampoo on their
hair, it's a good idea to check the labels on all hair care products and
make changes as necessary.

Never attempt to treat the more severe forms of scalp acne without first
speaking to a doctor or a dermatologist.

One thing that should not be used to treat scalp acne is any product that
contains benzoyl peroxide. The peroxide, when it comes into contact with
hair, can change the color of the hair and result in a less-than-desirable
look. Those who have chemically-textured their hair (for example those with
perms) or color-treated their hair are most prone to hair trouble when
benzoyl peroxide comes into contact with hair.

About The Author: Angela Myers is a staff writer at and is an occasional contributor to several
other websites, including

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Control Acne With Your Acne Diet

As those who suffer from acne will tell you, learning to control it can be
difficult and frustrating. There are so many components that can be
responsible for acne, that determining what contributes to your specific
skin condition can be a matter of trial and error for an extended period of

Lifestyle changes certainly increase your chances of remaining acne free.
Adjustments such as changing skin cleansing regimes, adding topical creams
to your repertoire, getting additional sleep, and adopted stress relieving
techniques can all go a long way towards increasing the health of your skin.

But no change has more impact on acne - and the reduction of its effects -
than adopting a stringent acne diet. What you put in your body makes itself
evident on the surface of your skin.
If you are currently eating foods high in salt, sugar, grease, and saturated
fats, chances are that you are significant adding to your acne through a
poor acne diet.

To implement an acne diet that will vastly improve the look and feel of your
skin, as well as significantly prevent future breakouts, there are several
things to keep in mind.

Commit yourself to avoiding foods high in salt, sugar, grease, and saturated
fats as much as possible. Instead, focus your acne diet around whole and
natural foods such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins.
Fish in particular will give your skin a new level of health.

Not only will eating this way go a long way to increasing the overall health
of your body but the change will almost immediately be reflected in your

Additionally, experts believe that increased dairy consumption can actually
add to acne because of the hormones included in its makeup. So if you are
suffering from acne, limit your intake of dairy as a part of your acne diet.

Increase your water intake significantly. Nothing does more to cleanse your
body - and your skin - than water. Strive for the recommended eight glasses
of water daily and you will be surprised at how quickly your skin takes

Experts also report that Vitamin E will often exacerbate acne conditions.
Instead, they recommend increasing Vitamin B5 consumption as this has been
found to have positive impact in an acne diet. Be very careful when it comes
to vitamins of any kind. Taking too much of any one vitamin can be unhealthy
and sometimes dangerous. Be sure to check with your doctor before taking
specific vitamins.

If after following your acne diet you are still not satisfied with the look
and feel of your skin, be sure to visit a professional dermatologist. You
may require an elevated level of care to ensure clear and healthy skin.
Medical attention combined with a healthy lifestyle and an acne diet will do
wonders for the health of your skin.

About The Author: For easy to understand, in depth information about acne
visit our ezGuide 2

Finding Suitable And Affordable Acne Skin Care

For those who suffer from acne, every day can be a struggle. No matter how
in shape you are, how well you are dressed, or how great your hair looks,
when your skin looks bad, it affects your whole appearance. And because of
this, many acne sufferers also battle with low self-esteem as they struggle
in social circles where outward appearance counts for a great deal.

Luckily, in today's technologically advanced time, acne skin care is
prevalent and affordable for any budget. Some acne skin care involves simply
making lifestyle changes rather than the purchase of sometimes pricey acne
skin care treatments.

For many who suffer from acne, the culprits are obvious. Diet can enormously
impact the health of your skin. So if your typical diet consists of high
fat, greasy foods then you may want to make some changes that will greatly
impact your acne skin care. Immediately eliminate these foods from your
Focus instead on fresh, whole foods such as fruits, vegetables, and whole
grains. Increase your daily water intake to encompass the recommended eight
glasses of water a day. Some change and sacrifice on the part of your diet
will improve your overall health and subsequently, the health of your skin.

For some, heredity and hormonal imbalances play a large role in their acne
condition. For these people, acne skin care can get a bit more difficult.
However, there are a multitude of products on the market that will greatly
increase your chances of success.

Look for cleansing products that contain acne fighting ingredients or are
made for oily skin. Cleansing systems that are made for acne prone skin will
help to rid the skin's surface of built up oil and bacteria, decreasing the
possibility of further outbreaks. Acne skin care absolutely requires
remaining dedicated to a consistent skin care routine.
Your tenacity will pay off as your acne skin care routine begins to show
signs of success.

Further acne skin care products include over-the-counter topical creams and
ointments that help to eliminate existing acne while preventing future
breakouts. Many of these acne skin care products are reasonably priced and
work quite well.

For more complicated acne - and for those acne conditions where hormonal
imbalances clearly play a large role - it's best to seek the guidance of a
professional dermatologist. A dermatologist will assess your specific skin
type and recommend acne skin care treatments that will work for your
particular skin. These may include laser treatments, hormone treatments,
oral antibiotics, and prescription creams.

Whatever you choose for your acne skin care treatment, know that remaining
consistent and exploring all your options will give you the greatest chance
for success. And the reward will be well worth it as you soon enjoy clear,
beautiful skin.

About The Author: For easy to understand, in depth information about acne
visit our ezGuide 2 acne

Lavender Oil Aromatherapy

There are many types of oils used in relation to aromatherapy, all different
in order to achieve different effects.
Aromatherapy oils are most commonly divided into several different
categories. These categories include:

* essential oils
* absolutes
* floral waters (hydrosols)
* resins
* carrier oils
* infused oils

Lavender oil aromatherapy falls into the first category listed, the
essential oils category.

Lavender oil aromatherapy is a liquid most often distilled from the purple
blossoms of the lavender plant, or also known as lavendula officinalis.
Lavender oil is usually extracted by using a delicate process involving
water or steam. Being extracted this way, lavender oil aromatherapy most
often captures the absolute essence of the lavender plant itself. It is
normally so highly concentrated that a few drops is all that is necessary to
reap lavender oil's full therapeutic benefits.

The appearance of lavender oil is normally clear, with just a hint of
yellow. With it being called lavender oil, one may think it is an oily
substance. However, despite it's name, lavender oil aromatherapy is not
oily. To the contrary, the consistency of lavender oil aromatherapy is one
of the thinnest among all of the other essential oils.

Because the consistency of lavender oil aromatherapy is so thin, the smell
of this scent only goes to a medium level.
However, once the medium scent starts to settle in the air, lavender oil
aromatherapy can be one of the most relaxing scents there is. It is not too
strong, and it is not too light.
Lavender oil aromatherapy smells very fresh, as well as sweet, with just a
twist of a floral aroma. Some people think lavender oil also smells a little

As with most aromatherapy oils, lavender oil aromatherapy is most often used
by diluting it with carrier oils. These carrier oils can include:

* sweet almond oil
* apricot kernel oil
* grape seed oil

Once the oils are blended, they are usually applied to the skin for the best

In addition to applying lavender oil aromatherapy to the skin, it may also
be used by careful inhalation. Once the lavender oil molecules enter the
lungs, these oils can then be absorbed into the bloodstream. This will
provide you with the therapeutic benefits you need to soothe whatever
ailments you may be experiencing.

There are a wide variety of ailments that lavender oil aromatherapy may help
treat. Some of these health issues can

* acne
* allergies
* anxiety
* asthma
* athlete's foot

Lavender oil aromatherapy can also help treat ailments such as bruises,
burns, colic and chicken pox. Those with cuts, who are suffering with
depression, or have an earache may also benefit from the therapeutic
benefits of lavender oil aromatherapy.
Other possible uses for this healthy oil can include headache treatment,
treatment of hypertension, as an insect repellant, to relieve itching, to
help reduce labor pains, to treat oily skin, skin scarring, stretch marks,
as well as to treat whooping cough.

About The Author: Sarah Thomas provides articles on wellness and health You can find more of her work at the sites and

Control Your Acne; Control The Health Of Your Skin

Our face is the first thing we present to the world. Whether meeting someone
for the first time, talking to friends, or conducting business, our face
sends a strong message to those around us.

For those who suffer from acne, interacting with the rest of the world can
be a painful experience. The impact of this common skin affliction can often
have long reaching repercussions both socially and emotionally. This is why
sufferers of acne will often go to great lengths to find successful acne

Acne stems from the blockages of pores. Once pores become blocked, oil -
that we naturally produce and ordinarily eliminate - can not be purged. As a
result, we are left with oil build-up and subsequent blemishes.

While many acne sufferers are in their teens, acne does not discriminate by
age. Many of those who struggle with acne are adults. Often, an underlying
problem will follow sufferers from adolescence through adulthood.

And while acne can not necessarily be cured, it can be treated, and in many
cases, prevented. For many, successful acne control often results in a
larger sense of control and a whole new lease on life.

Acne control comes in many forms. For those who are dealing with existing
acne there is an abundance of over-the-counter creams, topical medication,
and cleansing regimes available.
Many find these products to work quite well.

For others, successful acne control means medical supervision and
prescription products. A professional dermatologist can assess your specific
skin condition and prescribe the appropriate remedies accordingly.

Either way, treatment is only half the battle. Prevention can mean the most
when successfully managing acne. Prevention often means a combination of
daily steps that will go a long way to successful acne control.

Diet can affect the health of your skin significantly. Internal "cleansing"
of your pores can result in clean and healthy skin.
Drinking water throughout the day will do much for your complexion.

Additionally, avoiding greasy foods and focusing on a more natural, whole
foods diet can greatly aid acne control.
Remember that whatever you put in your body will reflect on your body.

Also - in the spirit of prevention - a daily, committed skin-care regime
puts you in control of the health of your skin. Whether you find something
over-the-counter or you turn to your dermatologist for a prescribed skin
care line, proper and dedicated cleansing (including cleanser, astringent,
moisturizer, and sometimes topical acne cream) are imperative to the overall
health of your skin.

Sticking to the acne control method that works best for you - no matter what
that is - will ensure you healthy, acne-free skin for a lifetime. So that
you are able to put your best face forward.

About The Author: For easy to understand, in depth information about acne
visit our ezGuide 2

Simple Steps To Clear Acne For Good !

While not life threatening, Acne can be a very psychologically painful
affliction. Any person, teenager and adults alike are affected when acne
outbreaks are present. Acne sufferers can become desperate for a cure and
often spend a lot of money on some of the expensive products available.

But the fact is, acne should be addressed before it even surfaces.
Prevention, in the case of acne, really is the best course of action. A
beautiful complexion begins with a healthy diet and plenty of water as well
as the proper washing regimen.
Acne mainly occurs because pores become clogged by oil and dirt.
Plain washing does not always remove all the grime from the face and can be
very drying, thus leaving your pores more susceptible to clogging. Many
times use of soap actually increases the production of oil on the face.
Hence, cleaning of face should be done in such a way that it removes dirt
gently without damaging your skin.

A gentle face wash is recommended daily. You don't want to use harsh
chemicals on your face that may only worsen the condition. Native Remedies
has formulated an herbal face wash that works to gently remove dirt but
leaves your skins natural moisture balance intact. Used regularly you will
also notice old acne scars diminish.

Never ever pick at your pimples. This will actually make them worse, spread
them, infect them and leave you with scars. Try a gentle acne gel that will
help heal the pimple and leave you with beautiful skin. Before you start any
acne prevention treatment be sure to consult your doctor in order to ensure
that you are using the right product. Another small yet very important
detail is to ensure that you carry every acne treatment out and not stop in
between or overlap it with another; any such alteration may in fact trigger
an outbreak or irritate your skin further.

About The Author: For more information about Acne treatment and prevention,
please visit us at

Pimples Remedy: Unexpected And Unwanted Visitors

They pop up when you least expect them or want them. They wreck your social
life and cause you embarrassment. Whether it's the day of a date you've been
dying to go on, a party you must attend, an interview you have, or the day
you were having an important picture taken - it seems this is when they pick
to visit. They're called pimples, zits, or acne. They are small but cause
big problems in our every day lives. Although commonly known as a teenage
malady, they are not uncommon in adults.

How do we win the war against the pimple? A three-step approach would
consist of cleaning, treating, and concealing. You should wash your face
with a gentle cleanser that is oil and fragrance free. It is important not
to scrub hard; rather, do it gently.
Then apply a topical acne treatment, which contains benzyl peroxide,
glycolic acid, or salicylic acid over the entire face. At night use an
oil-free moisturizer on dry areas.

If you need to get rid of the pimple immediately for an important occasion,
a cortisone injection by a dermatologist will stop the redness and swelling
quickly. Cortisone creams can also temporarily cure the problem until you
can consult a dermatologist.

Then there are the home remedies some people dispute, while others praise.
Either way, home remedies are easy and produce no skin reactions. Some
consist of grinding nutmeg with un-boiled milk and applying to the affected
area for one to two hours. A paste of honey and cinnamon powder can also be
applied before sleeping. Wash you face the next morning with warm water,
followed by a cool water rinse. Rubbing fresh garlic on and around the
pimple is believed to not only make the pimple disappear but will leave no
marks if used on a regular basis.

Another remedy consists of combining one piece of tomato and two tablespoons
of parsley in a blender. Apply this to the face for a few minutes and then
wash off. This is believed to work because tomatoes are acidic and therefore
act as disinfectants.
Lemon and lime juices are also known to be helpful.

Most people who get pimples want an immediate remedy and take it upon
themselves to pop them. This is not considered a good idea, since popping
pimples can cause more redness and swelling, scarring, or even push the
infection further into the skin. A simple routine would be to clean the skin
daily, using a soap containing aloe vera. You should also begin a cleansing
diet low in fat and high in fiber and take supplements for promoting healthy
skin. Routinely done, this will help you to avoid the dreaded pimple. It is
also a good idea to check for food or cosmetic allergies since these are
often causes of breakouts.

About The Author: Remedy Articles at Learn how to operate a Successful Adsense
Website Network at Matthew Hick has been
designing profitable Niche Adsense Websites for over 5 years.

Finding An Acne Cure

Acne can significantly impact the lives of its sufferers - lowering
self-esteem and dramatically decreasing social interaction. The truth is
that our faces are the first thing to which other people react. And when our
face is less than perfect - and at the mercy of a difficult skin affliction
- it can be challenging to fully engage in the world around us.

Acne occurs when our pores become clogged with dirt and bacteria. Oil which
we naturally produce and normally flows easily from our pores suddenly has
nowhere to go. Trapped oil results in acne. Those who suffer from acne can
tell you that they will often stop at nothing to find a successful acne cure
for their specific condition.

But why does dirt and bacteria congregate in some people's skin and not
others? The reasons are varied and many. Hormonal changes and imbalances,
heredity, diet, environmental components, and even stress are some of the
more prominent culprits.

Of course, the most obvious acne cure results from lifestyle change if you
are able to pinpoint those factors that cause acne breakouts for you.
Changing your diet, getting more sleep, reducing stress, and increasing
exercise can all go a long way towards bettering your skin.

But along with these changes, most sufferers of acne will agree that some
topical intervention is required such as cleansing systems, medications, and
creams. Luckily, there is a huge market devoted exclusively to acne

Because of the hormonal factor, teenagers are most often the victims of
acne. As such, they are bombarded on a daily basis by all forms of media
promising them the latest and greatest acne cure. Subsequently, teenaged
sufferers spend hundreds of thousands of dollars yearly on acne cures.

Adults - the often forgotten sufferers of acne - generally have more
complicated and serious conditions. And it is often attributed to a wider
array of causes.

When searching for an acne cure, you can look for over-the counter remedies
including cleansers and topical creams. These are often less expensive than
their prescribed counterparts but are also meant for milder cases of acne.
Look for products that contain acne fighting ingredients such as benzoil
peroxide or salicylic acid. Or search out those products geared towards
reducing oil for those with oily skin.

For more complicated cases, sufferers can find more assistance through a
licensed dermatologist. A dermatologist can prescribe acne remedies that
meet the needs of your specific skin type.
Further, your affliction will be followed medically until you achieve the
results you want.

Whichever way you chose to go for an acne cure, time and determination will
help you locate the remedy that's right for you. Before long - with a little
patience - you'll have clear and healthy skin.

About The Author: For easy to understand, in depth information about acne
visit our ezGuide 2

There Are Effective Acne Treatment Options for You -- So Don't Get Discouraged

It's no fun desperately trying to put a stop to pimples that are invading
your face! However, you'll be glad to know if you are fighting acne that
there are many treatment options to help you win your war.

Perhaps you haven't been able to conquer your acne so far because of a lack
of knowledge of various treatment options that are at your service.

Things are different now than they were years ago because of the advance of
medical science -- including in the area of acne treatment.

Here are various treatment options for you to try:

1. Natural acne treatment choices:

Many natural treatments help heal pimples from the inside out. For example,
the deficiency of certain vitamins and minerals in your food could be making
your acne worse. And the addition of certain foods could also be making
your acne worse -- such as junk foods. For that reason, if you're serious
about winning your war against acne, don't forget to eliminate junk food
from your daily diet.

Several natural acne treatments work on the outside of your body to help
heal pimples. Consider trying tea tree oil to apply to your breakouts. It
has worked for others. It might work for you too.

You also might want to try using remedies made with green tea to apply to
your pimples as well.

If you can find a natural remedy to help your pimples go away, you won't
have to concern yourself with possible side effects of prescription
medications or harsh chemicals. As you probably know, it can be expensive
using the services of a dermatologist, so if you can get control of your
acne by natural means, that would be a lot less expensive.

2. Over-the-counter acne treatments you may wish to try:

You might want to ask your local pharmacist to tell you which acne treatment
at the drugstore he feels is the most effective. One or more of them just
might work. There are a number of different products that you can buy over
the counter that help clear up pimples, but you might have to try several
and you'll need to give each product a fair try by using it consistently for
several weeks or more.

3. Prescription medications for acne relief:

You'll need to go to your doctor or dermatologist and have him or her
prescribe acne medication for you. This probably will be in the form of
antibiotics that fight pimples or a prescription containing Accutane.
Another effective prescription drug contains Retin-A. If you are suffering
from cystic acne, a prescription containing isotretinoin may be recommended.
The prescription you use may contain benzoyl peroxide -- which is one of the
most popular acne-fighting ingredients. However, you need to know that
there may be side effects to using prescription medications.

4. Red and blue ultraviolet light rays:

These laser techniques could really be effective in helping to clear up your

5. Scar-removing treatments that are available to help get rid of
disfiguring pits and dents:

There are various methods of removing scars left by your war on pimples.
You will need to visit a dermatologist or plastic surgeon to see what he or
she recommends. You may decide that laser therapy is the way to go.
Dermabrasion also removes the outer damaged layer of skin so that new skin
can grow. There's also a method which involves punching out scarred areas
of your skin with a cookie-cutter type instrument and then suturing the
edges together to remove scars.

Obviously, the best thing for you to do is to prevent yourself from getting
acne scars in the first place by keeping your fingers off of your pimples.

As you can see, if you've read this article from start to finish, there are
a lot of acne-fighting options for you to try. Don't give up, because with
today's arsenal of pimples-banishing weapons at your service, clearer skin
can be yours at last.

Learn how to fight acne at -- Read more acne tips from
Patricia Wagner at

Prevent Teenage Acne

For a teenager, an outbreak of acne can be socially debilitating. Lets face
it, teenagers can be cruel and unthinking at times. Prevention of acne is
the best course of action.

During the adolescent years, the body's metabolism is hyperactive and the
oil secretion is higher than normal. Acne occurs when the pores are blocked
and the oil or sebum cannot flow freely to the surface. It is important to
remember that everyone has different skin type and a product that may work
wonderfully for one , may not work at all for another.

When trying new acne products, only use one at any given time and give it
sufficient time to work. You may not notice results, good or bad for one to
two weeks. Follow the treatment as indicated and don't stop mid way because
you see some signs of improvement or at times you may need to use the
treatment even after you are totally cured.

There are lots of products on the market for acne. The problem is that some
of the good acne treatments are very expensive and some of the cheaper acne
products can dry out the skin and even worsen the condition. It is very
important to use acne products that are gentle and that will not strip your
skin of the natural moisture it needs to remain healthy.

ClearSkin Face Wash by Native Remedies is an all natural herbal wash that
gently removes pimple causing oils and dirt without damaging the skin. In
fact, with regular use, you will notice old scars fading away leaving a
beautiful, clear complexion.

Remember, Acne Prevention starts from home with the basic simple things such
as maintaining a healthy diet, exercise and plenty of water. With time and
care, you will notice beautifully clear and radiant acne free skin.

About The Author: For more information about Acne treatment and prevention,
please visit us at

My Experience with Microdermabrasion for Acne Scarring

My Experience with Microdermabrasion for Acne Scarring Microdermabrasion is
a popular skin treatment performed in thousands of skin care spas and
dermatologist offices worldwide. What can microdermabrasion do for you?
Well, I've had three sets of microdermabrasion treatments, and here's my
experience with this non-invasive skin care treatment.

Here's what attracted me to microdermabrasion. First, the treatment is just
agressive enough on fairly stubborn skin conditions like acne scarring and
fine lines, without being an invasive procedure that will actually alter the
symmetry of your face in some way.

I really wanted to stay away from any type of "extreme"
treatments that could have potentially damaging effects, and microderm, as
it is affectionately referred to by it's practitioners and devotees, was
just agressive enough for what I wanted to achieve.

I had acne scarring for years that I thought would never go away unless I
had laser therapy or some sort of deep, ablative treatment like regular
dermabrasion (a deeper form of microdermabrasion which can result in
bleeding). Then I started reading about how some people with superficial
acne scarring, meaning acne scarring that was not too deep, but just deep
enough to be noticeable to the naked eye, had a pretty good improvement in
their scars after receiving several microdermabrasion treatments.

So, I decided to make and appointment at a local salon and spa near where I
live. I booked an entire six treatment package, for a little under $600.
It was a little pricey as far as I was concerned, but if it would produce
significant results I was willing to shell out some extra cash for
"flawless" skin. My first set of six microdermabrasion appointments
actually yielded pretty impressive results.

The roughness that appeared namely on my chin virtually disappeared after
six treatments, and also I noticed that the (then) fine lines around my eyes
also appeared to be diminished. The lines around my eyes did return though,
so I believe their disappearance may have been due to some irritational
swelling of the tissue around my eyes.

However, the acne scars were noticeably reduced for about
5-6 months after this initial round of treatments. I did notice they
somehow seemed to "reappear" though, and ended up going back for a second
and third round of the treatments, with pretty good improvement each time.

Here's what I've found with microdermabrasion though, as a sort of
"drawback". The results are fairly signiifcant, but you do have to return
after a few months, as the results somehow tend to fade over this time
period, and they need a "retouching", so to speak.

It is usually recommended that you get a round of six treatments every year
most of the time, but I've found that I have to return for more treatments
well before the six months is up, to maintain the results gained.

What should you expect after a microdermabrasion treatment?
Well, first of all, the day of your appointment to recieve a microderm
treatment, you should probably make sure your social calendar is fairly
sparse. The reason for this is that I've found my skin is very red and
irritated looking the day of a microderm treatment, and it is not easily
covered with makeup.

Also, your skin will flake off and be susceptible to sunlight, so make sure
you use a powerful SPF lotion for the days following your treatments, since
the UV rays can more easily penetrate the fragile skin and do damage as
they're so adept at doing.

You will need to constantly keep your newly abraded skin moisturized, so
keep a very emollient cream around, and apply it about three times for the
first day or two after your treatment, to help with flakiness and excess
Keep in mind that the first few days after a treatment, or maybe just the
first day, depending on your skin, your skin will most likely look worse
than it did before.

The abrasion of the machine causes your skin to look extremely iriritated,
and actually can make acne scarring look worse, since it is freshly exposed.
This will go away, but as a warning so you are not caught totally off guard,
expect it to look worse, not better at first.

I would say in general that microdermabrasion is a great treatment for those
worried about aging or scarred skin, however it can get very expensive if
you choose to continue with treatments. You can schedule a consultation
with an esthetician to see what skin treatment is perfect for your specific
skin care concerns, but microderm may very well fit into this regimen for

If you're looking for a less expensive way to achieve similar results, but
with a lot more treatments, there are currently also home microdermabrasion
kits that can help diminish scars as well.

Danna Schneider is the founder of two skin care and beauty online magazines
with the latest news, tips, "Skin Science", and products in skin care and .

Acne Treatment - Get A Smooth Skin For Sure

Teen girls are emotionally concerned about their skin. Acne treatment is
three layered, depending on the stubbornness of them, although it is not so
in all the cases. Milder acne in early teens generally goes off even without
any treatment, while the persistent eruptions in mid teens or later may
require a line of treatment. Three stages of acne treatment are as follows,

1.Topical Acne Treatment
2.Systemic Therapy
3.Alternative Medicine

Topical Treatment of Acne
Topical treatment of acne has evolved a lot in the past years.
What generally used to be a peeling agent, with incipients such as
resorcinol, lactic acid, salicylic acid and sulphur is now redundant and
more effective preparations with retinoic acid in varying percentages are
effectively employed more.

Retinoic acid is available in ointment and cream bases for topical
application generally in 0.05% concentration. Your doctor may advise you to
apply it on dry skin rather than wet as wet skin has a potency to absorb
more retinoic acid which cause irritation, erythema and sometimes
exfoliation. This concentration is enough in dealing with black heads too,
as black heads soften under retinoic acid but you may have to avoid exposure
to Sun.

For better feeling with acne, consider using creams or ointments with milder
concentrations of retinoic acid (0.025%) initially with benzoyl peroxide
preferably on alternate days, unless under medical advice, and gradually
increase to 0.5% concentration in a couple of weeks' time. Here is an
advice; apply the cream/ointment over the entire area for better results
than on the visible lesions.

Systemic Therapy (Internal Therapy)
Your doctor may decide on systemic therapy when

1.Sustained topical treatment hasn't yielded results 2.Systemic therapy is
more effective on back and chest acne 3.Skin is sensitive to topical
treatments followed by irritations and redness

Minocycline, Erythromycin and Tetracycline are commonly used antibiotics in
acne treatment and occasionally Cotrimoxazole.
Initial dosage for Tetracycline is 1gm/day which is enough to reduce the
Pripriono Acnes and inflammation. In rare cases the dosage may be increased
to 2gm/day. But mind you, Tetracycline should be taken on empty stomach if
not advised to the contrary.

Ampicillin and Isotretinoin are also used with the former showing results in
4-6 weeks and followed-up by topical antibiotic. Minocycline 50-100mg/day is
found more effective than Tetracycline in which it takes on irritation, and
stubborn acne.

You respond better to antibiotics in ages past teens as acne has already
begun resolving.

Warning: Oral Isotretinoin is dangerous for pregnant women for the dangers
of high teratogenic effects (deformation of

About The Author: Jeff Van Persie is a regular article contributor on many
topics. Be sure to visit his websites,

Quickie Treatment Of Acne...

For those of us who have problems with occasional or not so occasional acne,
getting a pimple right before some important or special event is a dreadful

There are quite a few safe and quick treatments for pimples.
Some will reduce swelling and redness;
others will actually throw away the pimple as well. Here are a few of them.

First of all, never pop, pick or squeeze pimples, no matter how curiously
tempted you are. This may cause inflammation and lead to scars or darkened
areas of the face. It may also spread the oils and bacteria to other areas
of the face, which can lead to more acne. Also, squeezing leaves an opening
in the skin, which can sometimes lead to a severe infection.

To reduce a pimple's redness, and swelling, use ice (either cube or pack) to
it every half hour for about 2 minutes. It will also reduce any inflammation
and pain the pimple causes.

Wash your face several times a day with an acne cleanser or mild, certainly
perfume free soap. Use a pad or cloth and gently scrub your skin. A gentle
rubbing ensures that your skins natural oils are not removed. Over rubbing
can actually aggravate pimples causing them to become more inflamed and even

Cover up pimples with a product that's designed to conceal them. It should
be applied lightly and match the color of your skin. This is for those times
when you can't "work" on a pimple, and need a quick cover up.

For another quickie pimple fighter, you can reduce swelling, redness,
inflammation and irritation by pressing a cotton ball with a little lemon
juice on it, or a wet tea bag, for 5 or 6 minutes.

And for another, put a small amount of toothpaste right on the pimple in the
morning and before bedtime. The menthol in the toothpaste will help dry
pimples out and reduce their redness.

Acne can result from a buildup of oil in the pores, so use oil free makeup.
Make sure you thoroughly remove makeup before bead using a cleanser that
will deeply clean all dirt, oil and makeup.

These tips should have a rather quick effect on your acne.
Usually just a day or 2 to will produce a noticeable difference. Remember,
these are not intended to correct recurring or severe acne problems. For
those you should consult with a qualified dermatologist or your doctor.

About The Author: Visit our site at to read our unbiased acne product review
and for more acne treatment product information like the above.