Sunday, December 10, 2006

Symptoms And Treatment For Scalp Acne

Just about everyone knows what acne is and that it commonly breaks out on
the face, chest, arms and on the back. Acne also appears on other parts of
the body as well, but unless you're someone with acne in one of these
'other' areas, you may not have realized this.

If you think about what acne is - a skin condition - it makes sense then
that acne can appear almost anywhere on the body.
One area in particular that is not often associated with acne is the scalp.

Scalp acne, the mildest form of which is also known as scalp folliculitis,
probably occurs more frequently than most people realize. This form of acne
is most often triggered during times of high stress. This irritating scalp
condition usually develops whenever the scalp becomes oilier than usual,
such as when the hair isn't washed frequently or when hair care products
that contain a considerable amount of oil are used.

Scalp acne is very itchy and that makes it difficult for those who have it
to leave it alone. In its mildest form, the pustules are small, crusty, and
they're sore. They appear mainly on the upper forehead at the hairline. A
person can have just a few pustules or there can be many.

A more severe form of scalp acne called acne necrotica miliaris is
characterized by inflamed larger papules with black-colored crusts. This
form of acne can leave behind scars that resemble those resulting from
Chicken Pox. There is an even more severe form of scalp acne that primarily
affects adult African-American men, but can actually affect anybody,
regardless of race or sex. This extremely rare condition is a combination of
large cysts and smaller pustules and papules that grow to be very large.

Treatment for Scalp Acne

The mild form of scalp acne can be treated the way most other acne is
treated. Keep the affected area clean by using a product that contains
salicylic acid. Remember though that these products can cause excessive
dryness so use only on affected areas. For better control, apply using a
cotton ball.

Since oily hair is a contributing factor to scalp acne, using shampoo that
is formulated for oily hair and scalp is another good option. Hair care
products designed especially to treat seborrhea have also been used
successfully. And since many people use more than just shampoo on their
hair, it's a good idea to check the labels on all hair care products and
make changes as necessary.

Never attempt to treat the more severe forms of scalp acne without first
speaking to a doctor or a dermatologist.

One thing that should not be used to treat scalp acne is any product that
contains benzoyl peroxide. The peroxide, when it comes into contact with
hair, can change the color of the hair and result in a less-than-desirable
look. Those who have chemically-textured their hair (for example those with
perms) or color-treated their hair are most prone to hair trouble when
benzoyl peroxide comes into contact with hair.

About The Author: Angela Myers is a staff writer at and is an occasional contributor to several
other websites, including

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