Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Acne Remedies That Work

Acne is one of the most common skin disorders in the world today, plaguing millions of people. On the bright side, of all the skin disorders, it is one of the most treatable.

Acne is the medical terminology used to describe pimples that erupt on the face and body. Its effects vary in degree, and in the case of a severe outbreak, can be devastating. The majority of cases are caused largely by diet, and the environment. In addition, acne problems can also be caused by overproduction of sebum. Sebum is a waxy substance that works to lubricate the skin.

Many acne remedies have been developed and are available to help combat the potentially devastating effects that acne can cause. The great majority of patients respond well to these acne remedies. These remedies come in several different classifications that all work to combat this skin disorder. The three main classifications are conventional, herbal, and homeopathic

A number of acne patients will generally respond to one or more of these acne remedies. If a conventional acne remedy is prescribed, tretinonin will probably be the active ingredient. Tretinonin is a Vitamin A based medication that works by altering the growth of the oil glands. This alteration will cause existing pimples to dry up, and prevent new ones from forming. Side effects are minimal with tretinonin, and may result in a mild burning or dry feeling on the skin. If the acne is inflamed, antibiotics are included with other acne remedies. Antibiotics offer the acne sufferer a soothing, and cooling relief to the affected area.

One of the stronger, if not the strongest of all acne remedies that can be prescribed is Accutane. Accutane is a potent drug capable of completely eliminating all signs of acne. As effective as it is, this acne remedy is only used as a last resort because of its strength and side effects. When using Accutane, some of the possible side effects doctors will advise you about are headache, hair loss, muscle pain and itchy skin. If you are pregnant, or could become pregnant, doctors will not prescribe Accutane because it has been proven to cause serious birth defects.

With possible side effects a concern, some people will choose to use only herbal acne remedies. Several are available on the market today with black currant seed oil, and evening primrose oil among the most well known and most sought after of all the herbal acne remedies. These can successfully treat existing acne when used consistently, and are capable of clearing up affected areas. When herbal acne remedies are used as a preventative measure, it is recommended that Echinacea, tea tree oil, calendula, and golden seal be used. These herbal acne remedies have a positive effect in preventing acne from forming. When using herbal acne remedies, it is important to remember that they do not offer instant relief. In fact, they may take up to three months to be fully effective.

Homeopathic acne remedies are the least popular due to the fact that they do not offer a lot in the of way of acne medicines. However, there is one effective homeopathic acne remedy and it is called Kali Bromatum. Although it has shown tremendous results, the downside is that it is necessary to take six doses per day, and the healing time will vary with each patient. Should the patient have severe acne, homeopathic acne remedies will be unable to cure within a short amount of time. As a precaution, it is always advisable for the patient to see a medical professional to find out if there is an underlying medical condition.

Carl DiNello is an Article Author whose articles are featured on websites covering the Internet's most popular topics.

To read more on this topic, please visit Acne Information & Resources!

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What Is Acne?

Acne is one of the Most Common Skin Conditions in Young Adults and Teenagers

Acne is most commonly associated with teenagers, and while the most common sufferers of acne are indeed teens there is also adult acne and baby acne. Baby acne is caused by hormonal fluxes that occur during and just after birth, and typically clears up before the baby reaches one month of age. So exactly what is acne? This article will shed some light on the subject.

Acne is an inflammatory disease of the skin that is caused when hair follicles become clogged by dead skin cells and sebum, an oily substance secreted by the sebaceous glands in the follicle. Common treatments of acne involve killing the acne causing bacteria, removing the dead skin cells blocking the follicles, or reducing the amount of sebum present on and below the surface of the skin.

Acne is not generally harmful, though it can be a source of embarrassment, particularly since it is prevalent in adolescence when physical appearance and social standing are typically very important. Especially severe cases of acne may require treatment from a dermatologist or by the staff of one of the many acne skin care centres.

While acne is most prevalent in teenagers and young adults, it is even possible for newborn babies to be afflicted. Baby acne occurs in newborns in response to the hormonal changes that occur directly after birth. This type of acne almost always clears up in a few weeks and does not require any treatment.

In addition to medical treatment, there are a number of home acne cures that, while not proven to be effective, are still quite popular. Common home remedies include the application of various herbs and other household substances. Common home remedies also involve avoiding food such as chocolate. While no evidence supports the use of these remedies, some people
swear by them.

Disclaimer: All content within this articles is provided for general information only, and should not be treated as a substitute for the medical advice of your own doctor or any other health care professional. Always consult your own doctor if you're in any way concerned about your health.

John Ward
John Ward Is The Webmaster at the Acne Relief Guide Site
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Home Remedy For Acne - You Have To Start Here First

You can learn how to get rid of acne without medication at home. I know. You woke up this morning with a dot on your nose. No, this is not good because I have to go out. And you say to yourself, I don't like this. I have a pimple!

Some of us are always looking to get rid of current acne and making sure it does not come back and if it does, you will know immediately how to control it. Well, your first home remedy for acne will be with your diet and what you eat. You should start a journal and write down everything you eat. This way, you will be better able to pinpoint what is giving me this pimple.

Again, as you begin your acne home remedy, try to watch what you eat and what you put on your face and body. Watch if you have some kind of allergic reaction to your face or body. And if you should, then stop using that particular home remedy immediately.

One thing I can tell you about myself is, when I started writing a journal and was writing down everything I ate, I can let you know what product immediately gave me a couple of pimples on my face the next day. It was from margarine that I had on some toast and had cook in some food I had eaten. Now I know exactly where those two pimples came from. I waited a week and I did try this test again, and guess what? It did happen again. The next day I received one pimple. And that was good enough for me to now have eliminated margarine from my diet altogether. And I did find out through my journal from eating some other food products that were giving my acne too.

A journal is a very good thing to started with. It really helps. I have read many articles from some that say, food and what you eat has nothing to do with acne. And I have read other articles that say that food does affect one's acne. And it has been proven to me that it does.

So you would have to do a test and see if you can pinpoint if anything that you are eating is giving you acne. Your body is different. And your pinpoints will be different from mines and somebody else's. If you want to get started with this, then start your test with the journal.

To compliment with any home remedy for acne, is to drink plenty of water everyday. This will also help prevent some of your acne problems. You should try to exercise regularly too. The exercise will bring more oxygen to your cells.This will help to detox your body in order to help improve your skin.

A home remedy for acne is available. There are always solutions available for acne.

Homemade Acne Treatment

Are you suffering from acne? Have you tried every treatment option none to man, but are still coming up short? If this sounds like you, there is still one more option that you should consider. Homemade acne treatments have been proven to work time and time again. Even though some of them may not work on your skin, there is no reason that you should not at least try. Who knows, you may end up finding a treatment option that clears up your skin in no time at all.

If you are suffering from acne and notice that your skin is very oily you will want to try an oatmeal mask. This consists of oatmeal being mixed with water and then applied directly to the face. If you do this two times a day and keep it on your face for 15 to 20 minutes you will notice results soon enough.

Tomatoes have also been shown to be an effective acne treatment. You can apply mashed tomatoes directly to your face and let sit for about 10 minutes. If you do this once a day, you should begin to see results within a week or two.

When dealing with any homemade acne treatment make sure that you give it enough time to work. Just like any other treatment option, you are not going to see results within one day. But by sticking with a treatment for a week or two, you will be giving yourself the best chance for success.

Jeanette Pollock is a freelance author and website owner of Visit Jeanette's site to learn more about homemade acne treatment.

A Review of Laser Acne Treatment

Do you have acne or acne scars? This might be a real confidence-breaker. There is no one that I know of that likes the idea of having to deal with blemishes and zits every day. There are far too many other things to deal with. However, for many youngsters the pangs of pimples are a serious problem that they have to face up to. What is really bad about acne is that it is not going anywhere soon. This awful skin problem has been around for centuries and it still continues to exist today. There is a positive side, though. We have new technologies nowadays and thus there are some innovative ways to tackle the acne issue.

You can find anything from topical creams and gels, oral medications, and even microderm abrasion facial resurfacing. Even though you might have heard or tried all of the above-mentioned contemporary solutions, there are many others you have never even heard about. Laser acne treatment is also a possibility. This is a modern procedure which might not be among the most popular ones but surely deals with acne and acne scars.

What do you know about laser acne treatment? If you visit a dermatologist you might get a laser acne treatment which will help alleviate scarring. Many victims have been grateful for the invention of this high tech new method. I had a friend at school who had a severe form of acne. I guess you all remember those teen years when your delicate skin had zits and blemishes. That friend of mine had it as bad as you can only imagine.

Apart from his face, his back was all covered with bumps, too. Even when he got rid of his acne in few years he still had acne aftermath which is facial scarring. That's the worst thing that acne sufferers have to deal with. When he finally visited a professional to get help, a dermatologist offered him a laser acne treatment. This is how he got rid of these irksome scars and was left with a much smother and radiant complexion.

Do you have irksome acne scars? If the answer is yes, then why not consider a laser acne treatment? This process deals with damaged facial tissue efficiently. Today you can also get a portable laser acne treatment device online. All it takes is to hop online and check the latest deals.

Morgan Hamilton offers expert advice and great tips regarding all aspects concerning acne. Get the information you are seeking now by visiting Laser Acne Treatment.

Acne Scar Removal Treatments

Acne is one of the most prevalent skin conditions in the world today. When a person suffering from severe acne finally gets it under control, with no outbreaks, it can still be difficult to deal with because of the scarring that severe acne leaves behind.

Acne scars are very hard to treat and, until recently, almost impossible to get rid of altogether. Acne scar removal treatments have been developed that give the person afflicted with acne scars the appearance they have always wanted.

To start acne scar removal treatments, the patient's skin must be lesionfree. The doctor will advise you that there are different levels of acne scarring and what level you have. There are three different levels, the ice pick scars, boxcar scars and rolling scars. This will be done before any acne scar removal treatments begin.

Every person experiences a different level of scarring to different degrees. Acne scar removal treatments address each patient on the level that they are diagnosed. There are a few different types of acne scar removal treatments that are available today. Not every one of these acne scar removal treatments is right for everyone. Your Doctor will decide which is best for you according to your level of scaring.

Dermabrasion is one of the acne scar removal treatments that was developed first. It removes the damaged skin and allows fresh pink skin to grow. This type of acne scar removal treatment usually takes less than an hour to perform and the results are excellent. The procedure is done in the dermatologist's office. This type of Acne scar removal treatment is recommended for those who have fair complexions or those who have dark complexions. Dermabrasion acne scar removal treatment is not recommended for people whose complexion falls in between the two.

Another type of acne scar removal treatments is called Laser Surfacing. What this type of acne scar removal treatment does is remove the damaged skin by using a laser. This type of acne scar removal treatment is relatively new and there have not been many studies done yet. The studies that have been done on this type of acne scar removal treatment have concluded that because the laser actually penetrates the layers of skin, making scar removal more effective. The procedure for this kind of acne scar removal treatments is about one hour for large areas and just a few minutes for smaller areas. Laser Surfacing is quickly becoming the chosen method of all the acne scar removal treatments.

While there are many acne scar removal treatments, it would be in your best interest to discuss with your doctor which one would be best for you. Acne scar removal treatments can give you the appearance that you have longed for all of your life.

Acne scar removal treatments are not for everyone. If you have minimal scarring from your acne, the doctor will not recommend any of the acne scar removal treatments that are available.

This article was brought to you by Christain Cullen who is a successful webmaster and writer and can be reprinted as long as it is unedited with all links included.

For more information about Acne prevention, why not visit our acne pages.

Effective Acne Scar Treatment

If you have had acne your are aware that a scar may form after healing. Some scars are minor, and of little concern, while others slowly fade away on their own. However, there are many unfortunate cases where the scaring remains without ever healing entirely on its own.

Today, there are numerous ways to minimize, and even get rid of your acne scar. Here are a list of effective treatments to help with this problem. Review them, and discuss with a dermatologist any that you feel will benefit you.

1. Topical Medication - Mild scars, quite often, can be treated with medications in the form of a topical solution. You simply apply the healing gel, or paste to the affected area. This type of medication usually contains tretinoin, Alpha-HydroxyAcid (AHAs), Beta-Hydroxy Acid (BHA), or a combination of these. These ingredients effectively enhance the remodeling process of the skin, as well as help in the healing of post-inflammatory changes.

2. Laser Resurfacing - This procedure effectively corrects the scarring by resurfacing the skin. A laser beam is used on the scar to burn off the topmost layer of the skin up to a certain depth. This procedure can permanently rid the face of scars which are not too deeply set. Usually,
carbon dioxide and erbium:YAG lasers are used for this procedure.

3. Skin Graft Replacement - For more serious cases of acne scars, skin grafting may be necessary. This procedure involves the taking of a patch of skin, usually, from behind the ears, to be grafted over the existing acne scar. The skin used in a graft will be of a slightly different color, and texture. To correct this problem, a skin resurfacing technique is employed.

4. Dermal Fillers - This requires the injecting a substance, commonly known as the dermal filler, directly into the scarred area. Dermal Fillers may be comprised of fat, human collagen, bovine collagen, or hyaluronic acid derivatives. While this procedure is effective, it is by no means a
permanent solution, and in all probability, you would need to undergo further injections when the scar resurfaces.

5. Punch Elevation - This procedure uses a punch tool to remove the base of the acne scar. The skin located under that base is then raised to the skins surface. Here, it is attached with the use of steri-strips, sutures, or skin glue. This method reduces, or even eliminates the potential problem of having a difference in skin color, or texture in the affected area.

6. Subcutaneous Incision - Known simply as Subcision, and performed with a specially beveled needle, this procedure breaks up the skin band which causes rolling scars. This treatment is administered using local anesthesia, and will result in some bruising and minor bleeding.

These are some of the more common ways of treating an acne scar. Some are quite simple, and work well on minor scarring, while the treatment of more serious cases may require minor surgery. Before deciding what might be best for you, be sure to consult with a dermatologist who is highly experienced in this field before undergoing any treatment.

Acne scars can be an emotional drain on ones confidence. But, today there is really no reason to give up hope. Successful treatment, and even the elimination of these scars is really possible. Educate yourself as to what might be most beneficial for your individual situation, be aware of any side effects, carefully choose and consult with an experienced dermatologist, and let the advancements in medical technology treat, or even remove your acne scar.

Carl DiNello is an Article Author whose articles are featured on websites covering the Internet's most popular topics.

To read more on this topic, please visit Acne Information & Resources!

You may republish this article on your website, or e-zine so long as none of the content, or author information has been edited or changed in any way, and all links are left active and unchanged.

Acne Home Remedy

Acne or pimples are caused by hormonal changes, wrong food habits and improper skin care. Acne remedies given below are based on herbs and natural ingredients that treat your acne like magic and help improve the skin disorders.

Grind nutmeg with unboiled milk and apply on affected area. This works as a magic. Pimples should disappear without leaving a mark.

Make a paste by mixing 3 tablespoons of honey and 1 teaspoon of cinnamon powder. Apply this paste on the pimples before sleeping and wash it next morning with warm water. Repeat for two weeks, pimples will disappear forever.

Apply a mixture of 1 teaspoon lemon juice and 1 teaspoon cinnamon powder.

Make orange peel paste by grinding it in some water. Apply on and around pimples.

Rub fresh garlic on and around pimples. Pimples will disappear without a mark with regular applications.

Mix 1 tablespoon groundnut oil with 1 tablespoon fresh lime juice to prevent formation of blackheads and pimples .

Apply fresh mint juice over the face every night for the treatment of pimples, insect stings, eczema, scabies, & other skin infections.

Apply a paste of fresh fenugreek leaves over the face every night for 10-15 minutes and washed with warm water. This will prevent pimples, blackheads, and wrinkles.

Apply juice of raw papaya (including the skin and seed) on swelling pimples.

Apply fresh lime juice mixed to a glass of boiled milk as a face wash for pimples.

Mix lime juice and rose water in equal portions. Apply on affected area. Wash it off after 20-30 minutes with lukewarm water.

Apply ripe tomatoes pulp on pimples and kept up to 1 hour, then wash.

You can find other remedies at acne home remedies.

Copyright 2004 P. Mehta, www.

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For more home remedies on how to treat acne naturally, visit the web site

Diet as a Natural Treatment for Acne

Since the skin is the largest organ on the body and it assists other major organs in the human body with eliminating waste, one of the best acne treatments is diet which has many home remedies for acne in the foods that we eat. If you are unhealthy inside it will be reflected in your skin.

Acne occurs when the natural oils that the skin produces clogs the pores of the skin. Normally acne is prevalent in the onset of puberty when the body starts to produce hormones, it has also been known to be a problem for women during pregnancy. Since acne is a problem for people world wide, there are many forms of acne treatments, acne products and acne medications on the market.

A natural treatment for acne is diet, which some say can be an acne cure and for many is the best acne treatment. When I was a teenager I had severe acne and tried using what were considered the best acne treatments at the time.

Retin-A was one of the most popular prescription acne medications on the market at that time. Noxzema skin cream and Clearsil were two of the most popular acne products used among my friends and I. I learned the hard way that Alcohol should not be used as a home remedy for acne and with severe acne cutting back on processed foods replacing them with a healthy diet of fruits and vegetables. I thought that diet as a natural acne treatment was going to be bad because until that point I lived junk food.

Using diet as a natural acne treatment was not as bad as I had thought it would be. There are so many foods that act naturally as a home remedy for acne and are often the best acne treatments. At first I thought that it would be easier to just remember when to use acne medication or the other acne products that I was using at the time rather than to give up on junk foods.

The internal home remedy for acne prescribed by my doctor and mother turned out to be for me the best acne treatment used along with all natural acne products like tea-tree oil. To my surprise I enjoyed this change in diet and in a short time I felt like it was an acne cure that was noticeable with in the week.

My mother was happier that I was eating something besides chips and was also happy with what we thought was an acne cure. She was also happy that she did not have to spend a lot of money on acne medications or worry about which over the counter acne products were the best. Who would have thought when I drank naturally sweetened juices and lots of water that it would be a natural acne treatment. My breakouts were far and few in between all because of using diet as an acne treatment turned out to pretty much be an acne cure for me.

There are so many acne treatments on the market today that profess to be the answer to all of your problems but the truth of the matter is you will have to find the best acne products or try to find the best home remedies for you by simply researching on your own.

Some people will require acne medications because more serious illness are the reason for their acne problem. Home remedies for acne through diet can alleviate many of your outbreaks because we truly are what we eat. If the eyes are the window to the soul then the skin is a reflection of your overall health so the beginning of a real cure starts from within.


To effectively treat your acne, you need to fix the problems in your body that are causing your acne. Acuzine is a great product that attacks the main, internal causes of acne.

Eliminating Acne Scars With Surgical Treatments

With the onset of the 20th century-technology of dermatology, a perfect skin and face is possible to achieve - but you have to be ready to shell out a small fortune. Some Hollywood stars are hard evidence of this reality. But not all of us really wanted that Julia Roberts look; all we really need is a smooth and acne-free skin. One sure-fire way to achieve this dream is to get a surgery.
Acne is one of the leading causes of skin problems. Anyone of any age bracket can be infected with acne at any time. With all the acne products in the market, at least one product can be an effective regime for you but acne itself is not the only problem, the aftermath could be a lot more tragic which is scars. If you want to effectively remove acne scars, then a surgical treatment is an option.

Photorejuvination is one popular treatment for acne. It uses a laser or intense pulse light to eliminate scars due to acne. This procedure is far different from chemical peeling, which makes it a big advantage because you do not need to wait long weeks for your skin to recover. One treatment can take up to 20 minutes. You need to undergo a series of 4-6 sessions. Photorejuvination effectively remove acne scars and makes your skin smooth and evenly toned.

Microdermabrasion is one of the most common solutions to acne scars. Aside from removing scars, it also adds a radiant glow to your face. This type of treatment is best for mild scars and not on the deep imbedded ones. The procedure starts by peeling out dead cells in your facial area and deep cleaning its pores. To illustrate how the treatment works, the concept of microdermabrasion is similar on how vacuum cleaner tidies up your carpet.

Punch Excision is also one kind of acne treatment that is best for ice pick scars caused by acne. If scars are removed and skin layers are secured back, this would bring the dermis back to health.

Laser skin resurfacing is also one option. This combines effective tools like laser, CO2 and YAG laser to remove layers of skin scars. In doing so, the heat produce in the process also helps tighten the skin and to give out the smooth and scar-free skin.

About The Author: Jason Rickard is the owner of Your Favourite Shop - - Offering White Noise and Relaxation CDs - Visit Hapa Health - for more articles.

Acne Blue Light Therapy

Acne Blue Light Therapy has become a popular trend in recent years. The research and studies to date have shown that it can be successful to treat acne with blue light therapy and this conclusion opened up another avenue for patients who continue to suffer from acne after trying all other options or patients who cannot for one reason or another use certain treatments.

The purpose of the acne blue light therapy is to get rid of the cause acne eruptions. It does this by destroying the bacteria that causes acne in the first place, P. acnes. P. acnes causes the inflammation of the skin by emitting molecules known as porphyrins.

Studies show that if these porphyrin molecules are put under a particular wavelength of blue light, they let loose free radicals which end up harming the bacteria causing the acne clears to clear up eventually.

The light therapy is a better process than other acne reducing procedures such as medication. This is because it is completely natural, it is non invasive and the procedure has very little side affects. People of ages and various skin types can use it daily without any problems.

The procedure usually takes place in a total of eight sessions, lasting for fifteen minutes each. They go on for about a month. The side affects are minimal. A person may suffer from swelling in the treated areas. The skin might be dry and there may be skin pigment changes.

Because of these reasons, this treatment has been approved by many professionals for patients with inflammatory acne lesions and not recommended for those who suffer from nodulocystic acne.

The acne light therapy of today can be seen advertised on TV, the internet and other forms of media throughout the world. Unlike previous light therapy methods to treat acne, FDA approved Acne Blue light products currently do not use UV light.

About The Author: Sarah Thomas provides articles on You can find more of her work at the site