Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Acne Remedies That Work

Acne is one of the most common skin disorders in the world today, plaguing millions of people. On the bright side, of all the skin disorders, it is one of the most treatable.

Acne is the medical terminology used to describe pimples that erupt on the face and body. Its effects vary in degree, and in the case of a severe outbreak, can be devastating. The majority of cases are caused largely by diet, and the environment. In addition, acne problems can also be caused by overproduction of sebum. Sebum is a waxy substance that works to lubricate the skin.

Many acne remedies have been developed and are available to help combat the potentially devastating effects that acne can cause. The great majority of patients respond well to these acne remedies. These remedies come in several different classifications that all work to combat this skin disorder. The three main classifications are conventional, herbal, and homeopathic

A number of acne patients will generally respond to one or more of these acne remedies. If a conventional acne remedy is prescribed, tretinonin will probably be the active ingredient. Tretinonin is a Vitamin A based medication that works by altering the growth of the oil glands. This alteration will cause existing pimples to dry up, and prevent new ones from forming. Side effects are minimal with tretinonin, and may result in a mild burning or dry feeling on the skin. If the acne is inflamed, antibiotics are included with other acne remedies. Antibiotics offer the acne sufferer a soothing, and cooling relief to the affected area.

One of the stronger, if not the strongest of all acne remedies that can be prescribed is Accutane. Accutane is a potent drug capable of completely eliminating all signs of acne. As effective as it is, this acne remedy is only used as a last resort because of its strength and side effects. When using Accutane, some of the possible side effects doctors will advise you about are headache, hair loss, muscle pain and itchy skin. If you are pregnant, or could become pregnant, doctors will not prescribe Accutane because it has been proven to cause serious birth defects.

With possible side effects a concern, some people will choose to use only herbal acne remedies. Several are available on the market today with black currant seed oil, and evening primrose oil among the most well known and most sought after of all the herbal acne remedies. These can successfully treat existing acne when used consistently, and are capable of clearing up affected areas. When herbal acne remedies are used as a preventative measure, it is recommended that Echinacea, tea tree oil, calendula, and golden seal be used. These herbal acne remedies have a positive effect in preventing acne from forming. When using herbal acne remedies, it is important to remember that they do not offer instant relief. In fact, they may take up to three months to be fully effective.

Homeopathic acne remedies are the least popular due to the fact that they do not offer a lot in the of way of acne medicines. However, there is one effective homeopathic acne remedy and it is called Kali Bromatum. Although it has shown tremendous results, the downside is that it is necessary to take six doses per day, and the healing time will vary with each patient. Should the patient have severe acne, homeopathic acne remedies will be unable to cure within a short amount of time. As a precaution, it is always advisable for the patient to see a medical professional to find out if there is an underlying medical condition.

Carl DiNello is an Article Author whose articles are featured on websites covering the Internet's most popular topics.

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